Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Medea Critical Lens Essay --

The play Medea, written by Euripides is a certain classic of the Greek era. The plot revolves around a woman who is divorced by her husband for another woman, Glauce, daughter of King Creon of Corinth and power. This causes her to become enraged and set on vengeance. In the play she states, â€Å"The glory of one’s life is to be generous with one’s friends and merciless with one’s enemies.† She then goes on to destroy those around her, and to further destroy the semblance of a life she had. This statement hold truth, and is relative to the Golden Rule that states, â€Å"One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.† Medea is saying that one should do good for their friends and should treat their enemies as one would be expected to be treated: without mercy. This is shown in King Creon of Corinth’s actions towards the other characters in the play, as well as in the actions of To Kill a Mockingbird’s Arthur Radley. K ing Creon and Arthur Radley both show a lack of mercy towards their enemies and show kindness towards their family and/or acquaintances. King Creon is introdu...

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