Thursday, October 31, 2019

Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Response Paper - Essay Example The author is so much into the work that he feels ‘consumed’ at his first encounter with ‘Tianshu’; one of the literary works by Xu Bing. My expectation, and any other person’s for that matter would be that Perry Link would join the opposition since that seems the easiest thing to do. Interestingly, he supported the author; as such, one thing is apparent, the Chinese calligraphy was not that bad as portrayed by the activists. But again, one would also conclude that Perry Link was a fan of feudalism, the system that Chinese calligraphy is a part, and which most of the activists passionately hated. The most problematic and surprising part of this book is Perry Links reaction after carefully scrutinizing the writings. Apparently, he felt not only frustrated but also angry at his discovery that the texts were unreadable. Can we all conclude that all the opposition was because the others could not read the books as well, or because there was some hidden message that Perry and his fellows just seemed not to figure out? All the same, I cannot just seem to find an answer to that question. Perry Link judged a book by its cover. What he would later come to find out completely changed his thinking and his moods. In the real life, I, and probably you, have been into several such situations. When shopping for a new cloth, for example, I have severally judged the piece of clothing from outside only to realize that some part of it is torn after carrying it home. In a nutshell, all that glitters is never gold. This reading mainly focuses on the chines calligraphy and its relation to modern politics. Likewise, other readings in the course cover some of the elements of Chinese calligraphy; even though they may not be exactly related, the presence of the tiniest bit of similarity demonstrates the relationship. Throughout my life, there are several decisions I have always made whose basis and meaning only I can understand. As such, just like Perry

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It’s Only Child Abuse if it is Violent Essay Example for Free

It’s Only Child Abuse if it is Violent Essay Child abuse is defined as the physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment of a child. Child maltreatment is defined as acts of omission or commission by parent or any other caregiver which may result to harm or potential of harm as well as harm threat to any child (MedlinePlus, 2010). Most of child abuse are known to occur in the child’s home but smaller occurrences has been noticed in schools, organizations as well as community, which the child is interacting with. Child abuse is not only through violent acts but there are several ways and acts which can be said as abuse to a child. In this paper, I argue that child abuse is not only perpetrated through violent means but also through other nonviolent means. Child abuse is in different forms. It is much more than broken bones and bruises that can be noticed on a child who has been physically abused. Other forms of child abuse such emotional abuse as well as child neglect may also leave a child with long lasting and deep scars, which may not be seen but in the heart of the child (Wolfe, 1999). Some of the signs that can show a child has been abused may be subtler than the others. Smoking in front of children or inside cars which is carrying children may serve as one form of child abuse. This is because one smoking in places where children are present would mean ruining the health of the children as they are not aware of that and even they can not stop you from smoking. Cot deaths in children are linked to mothers smoking while they are pregnant (UNICEF, 2000). In America evidence has shown that many children die as a result of the effects of their parents smoking and is more than the deaths which results from accidents. Neglecting a child is known to be another form of child abuse. Neglecting child encompasses many things which may include non-compliance with the recommendation of health care, depriving a child food which may result to the child being hungry as well as failing to enable the child to thrive physically (Baskerville, 2006). Other areas of concern may include exposure of children to drugs as well as lack of protecting them from the dangers of environment. Furthermore, child abuse can as well include abandonment of child, poor hygiene, inadequate supervision and depriving a child the right of education. In addition, there are several other forms of child abuse which may include ridiculing a child, degrading a child, destruction or torture of child’s pet, destroying personal belongings of a child, criticizing a child excessively, withholding communication with a child as well as humiliating a child (UNICEF, 2000). All these form of child abuse does not mean one is using violence but the fact is that these acts can result to child abuse. This form of abuse can hurt the child internally and may make the child to live uncomfortable life through out his or her life. In conclusion, not all forms of child abuse require one to use violence so as to be considered as child violence. Emotional abuse is one of the worst practices of child abuse since its effect is long lasting and may even cause the life of a child to change completely through out his or her life. Therefore, emotional child abuse and other forms of child abuse that does not involve violence should be considered as equally affecting the life of child negatively.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Study of Organizational Culture and the Indian Army

Study of Organizational Culture and the Indian Army THE INDIAN ARMY is the land based branch and the largest component of the Indian Armed Forces. It came into being in 1947 when India gained independence, and inherited most of the infrastructure of the British Indian Army that was located in post-partition India. It is a voluntary service and though there is a provision for military conscription in the Indian constitution, it has never been imposed. The Indian Army is the worlds second-largest standing army whose primary mission is to ensure the national security and defense of the Republic of India from external aggression and threats and maintaining peace and security within its borders. It also conducts humanitarian rescue operations during natural calamities and other disturbances. The President of India serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Army. CULTURE is comprised by the customs, heritage and achievements of a particular segment of society. Organizational culture is the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization and its employees. In this case, we talk about the army. As an organization, its culture is the sum total of the activities and ideas shared by this group of people with its common requirements, customs, laws and traditions. These are percolated across the Army by the thoughts and feelings of the people concerned and are reinforced by actions of individuals and sub-groups to present a whole picture of a common and shared perception of a uniform blend of ideals working and striving towards the achievement of a common goal. By ultimately working in accordance with and in response to a single will, political and military they attain the objectives laid down for them in peace, and particularly during operations in war. This is how the Army is designed and it is mandatory that this design is followed in the best manner possible for maintaining and preserving the solidarity and cohesion of the force and its professional competence. The two epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata constitute the framework on which the edifice of Army is built. The elements of culture have been imbibed a lot from these two epics. Even in the Indian army just like Mahabharata, the good of the nation is put first rather than the individual. In terms of power distribution just like the Ramayana the Indian Army is a well structured organisation. There is a central authority of power which releases orders, the people at various levels follow orders from the superior and respect them at the same time. There are clear cut guidelines for each and every army personnel to follow and deviations from the same are not appreciated in the Institute. Army as an institute lays special emphasis on attention to details as they need to be sure of everything before going out for war. The armed personnel have both facets in their personality they are aggressive when required and can be stable when required. The Indian army has people orientation also as part of its culture. It believes more than the artillery the men are their biggest strength. They have proper training facilities to inculcate them into the culture of the Indian Army. To further understand the culture of the Indian Army we interviewed three Army personnel. The following is a gist of the three interviews What are key facets of Culture of the Indian Army? The key facets of Indian Army include a sense of bonding, they are a unit which is closely knit, an extremely disciplined bunch of people with high levels of motivation. They have high respect for what they do and their peer group. In practise, a lot of times the Indian Army does not receive its promised share of returns and hence the general moral of the troops takes a dip. This can be attributed to bureaucratic interference. How does the organisation structure impact culture? The organisation structure helps them integrate with the culture, since it clearly defines roles of individuals. At the same time it also brings in a sense of respect towards their seniors. How do the forces men get to know about the culture of Indian Army when they are recruited? Culture is imbibed in the men right from the days of training. It is a rigorous training method followed at the IMA/NDA/OTA to train these bright young individuals to become men of the Indian army. During the training period through their interactions with seniors the recruits learn more than the functionalities of the Indian Army. They say it is one the best ways in which culture is imbibed in the minds of these young individuals. What is sought after in Indian Army the larger Interest or Individual requests? Its the interest of the nation that is the most important thing for any of the armed forces men. He puts the nation before everything in his life. How clearly are roles defined in the Indian Army? Roles are very clearly defined in the Indian Army. A hierarchy structure is in place. The posting of individuals happens on the basis of role requirement and then finding the best fit. Does culture also evolve and is there scope for new traditions? Indian army is an institute which believes in continuous development for the better, at the same it believes in maintaining its rich heritage. In a nutshell it amalgamates the old and new and ensures the best is created. But it likes to hold on to its past a lot. Any knowledge of cross culture impact of the people as they come from various backgrounds? It is probably the best example to understand homogeneity in heterogeneity. The backgrounds which people come from are diverse but at the same time at the centre of their diversity is unity which binds them to guard their nations boundaries. Due to varied backgrounds, individuals learn to appreciate others and also at the same time learn to celebrate differences. How important is detailing as a facet of culture in the Indian Army? The most important facet of Indian Armys culture is detailing. One cannot go to battle field without knowing every detail of war. Special emphasis is laid on detailing right from the training period of each and every personnel. An eye for detailing is extremely important as well as highly appreciated in the Indian Army. How does the Indian army communicate its culture to the outside world? Each army personnel is the brand ambassador of the Indian army. He/She is role model for todays youth and carries himself accordingly. Besides Indian army leads by example in every aspect it gets itself involved in. But in totality the army is a very closed organisation and not appreciative unwarranted interaction with the outside world. How do you deal with someone who does not follow the culture of Indian Army? For somebody who is not in line with the culture, they are various stages of ensuring that the person is brought in line with the culture like warnings and annual reports. But if all the options dont work out then Court Marshall is also an option which is exercised where the armed personnel is made to forfeit his position and honour associated with it. FUNCTIONAL AND DYSFUNCTIONAL ASPECTS The mission statement of the Indian Army is not a very clearly defined one. On a broader perspective the Indian Army stands for the following ideology: The Indian Army doctrine defines it as The Indian Army is the land component of the Indian Armed Forces which exist to uphold the ideals of the Constitution of India. As a major component of national power, along with the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force, the roles of the Indian Army are as follows: Primary: Preserve national interests and safeguard sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of India against any external threats by deterrence or by waging war. Secondary: Assist Government agencies to cope with proxy war and other internal threats and provide aid to civil authority when requisitioned for the purpose. Following is the tabulation of the functional and dysfunctional aspects of the Indian Army: Functional Aspects Dysfunctional Aspects It is a highly integrated organization Interference by the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy tries to influence decision making and hence some decisions tend to go haywire, creating confusions for the people around. The motivational levels of the personnel of the Armed Forces are extremely high which is needed for the job profile that they have. Red Tapism. There is a lot of lethargy in some departments to get the things to action. This is quite unacceptable for an institution like the Indian Army. There is immense respect for an individual as well as for the team spirit. Distributed decision making. This causes some crucial decisions to be delayed. The organization has an excellent training programme, which grooms the complete personality of an individual instead of focussing on one aspect. Budget allocations are not defined within the Organization. Hence, the allocation is not even sometimes. They have extremely high standards for selection to the Indian Army, and despite a manpower crunch they have decided not to lower the selection criterion. Indian Army needs to attract the correct talent, which currently it is unable to do. This can be attributed to the lack of proper and correct information to the youth. Very good quality of life for the people who are a part of the Indian Army. Lobbying for promotions. At the senior level, there is a lot of push and pull for getting the coveted positions. This creates an unhealthy environment in the organization. Indian Army ensure a good post retirement life. Low incentive remunerations. Anomalies in the pay structure for the armed forces are a common occurrence. Indian Army provides opportunities to experience various cultures and live in various places as a part of their tenures. ACTION PLAN Based on the derived dysfunctional aspects, we can note that the discrepancies occur on two fronts: External influences Internal functions The issues caused by external influences include: Interference by the bureaucracy The Army should set such high standards that its perceived image is one where it only serves its mission and cannot be influenced. This image will deter all kinds of informal requests and interferences. This can be done by giving more autonomy to the forces in the framework of the organizations serving the country. The issues caused by internal functions include: Red tapism The Army witnesses excessive regulation and rigid conformity to formal rules that at times prevents swift action or decision-making. The organization should allow for flexibility in structure of actions and decision making. Also, it can include cutting of red tape as a policy promise. Hierarchical decision making Orders issued by Army personnel are of critical importance, and thus the decisions to these orders need to be taken on time without any delays. This can be done by empowering officials at different levels so that decisions can be immediately taken and there arises no need to wait for sanctions from the top order when it is urgent. Uneven budget allocations Studying and understanding of every departments needs, will help carry out equal and effective budget distributions. This will ensure availability of all needed resources to all departments. Poor perceived image The armys current image is unable to attract attention of the youth for new recruits. This can be fixed by better communication and public relations exercise. Lobbying for promotions It is crucial for every organization to ensure that there are no unethical practises taking place. To prevent any lobbying for promotions, the Army should give due appraisals based on merit at the right time. It should also devise a protective mechanism for all those who report these unethical practises; this will help report all such malpractices. Unequal remuneration compared to other Government Organizations This brings about lack of motivation in the Army officials. The Government must ensure that the relative appraisals in all its organizations are at par. Acknowledgement We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Shubhra Gaur for giving us this opportunity to conduct research on the Indian Army and its Culture and to study the various functional and dysfunctional aspects associated with this organization. We would also like to thank Maj.Gen.(Retd) D.V. Kalra, VSM for helping us understand the culture and working style of the Indian Army..

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald :: Papers

The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby describes "The unending quest after the romantic dream, which is forever betrayed in fact" (Robert Omstein) Is it inevitable that dreams fail in this novel? The wild profligacy of Gatsby's parties, the shallowness and aimlessness of the guests and the hint of Gatsby's participation in theft and crime all identify the period and the American setting. But as a piece of social commentary "The Great Gatsby" also portrays the breakdown of the American dream, from the viewpoint that American political ideals conflict with the actual society since American democracy is based on the equality between people, the truth is that social discrimination still existed and the divisions among the classes could not be overcome. This made the dream of many of which is to become part of the higher social class, represented by East Egg, impossible to attain. In the novel, Myrtle is one of the characters whose desires spring from social ambitions. She wanted to fit into the higher social values and to do so she had an affair with Tom and imitates his way of living, but it results in her becoming as vulgar and corrupt. Her dreams and ambitions resulted in her death. She therefore finds herself failing to reach her dreams and becomes only a shell of what she yearns to be. Gatsby's dreams on the other hand are more of a significant struggle. Unlike Myrtle's desire, which springs from social ambitions, Gatsby's dreams are related more to his idealism and his confidence in life's potentials. Undoubtedly, his desire is also influenced by social considerations; Daisy, who is wealthy and beautiful, represents a way of life, which is remote from Gatsby's and therefore more attractive because it is out of reach. However, social consciousness is not a basic cause. It simply directs and focuses Gatsby's belief in life's possibilities. Like Myrtle, Gatsby struggles to fit himself into another social group, but his attempt is more vital because his whole faith in life is involved in it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computers are not confined to being used for entertainment but its role in education is also vast Essay

A. Introduction A library is a place in which literary and artistic materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference or lending. A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged; a room of private home for such collection. At first glance, your library is a bunch of books with a librarian to check them out to you, and back in when you return them. Your librarian insures (of tries to, as money permits) your library is well stocked with current titles. The librarian also has to keep the building neat and in good repair and also these things only shows a few of the things which make up your library. Now a day, in a highly technological society, human productivity is made more efficient through the development of electronic gadgets. Now, with the advent of such modernization in education, one way to globalize the process of research is to realize that technology is advancing at an incredibly fast pace. In School, reading materials are stored in libraries. Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in any format and from many sources. The librarian has to keep the room neat so that it is conducive for learning. The librarian is also the person who is liable for monitoring all the books that are borrowed and returned by the borrowers. B. Background of the Study The proponents will propose the Library Books Borrowing and Returning System for General Miguel Malvar Elementary School located at Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila. . The Head Librarian, Mrs. Tina Guerrero stated that they are currently using the Dewey Decimal Library System. They are still utilizing a manual system. The library users and the librarian still use card catalogues in searching for reading materials and use index card for the records of borrowed and returned books. The proponent’s study was what is which encounter to the Library by the user, Librarian and how the Owner or the Administrator of the said school will provide a good service to their clients to have a good feedback. The study will focus on transaction which done inside the Library like borrowing, returning of books by students, faculties and staffs. C. Statement of the Problem General Problem: * How to computerized Library System of Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School? Specific Problem: * How to maintain library records? * How to provide back-up copy? * How to maintain data integrity? * How to make user friendly screen? * How to secure database files? D. Objective of the Study General Objective: * To develop a computerized library system for Gen. Miguel Malvar Elementary School using Visual Basic. Specific Objective: * To maintain library record by providing add, edit and delete module to our system. * To create utility module to back up database files. * To maintain data integrity by creating a relational database files. * To make a user friendly screen by designing a simple screen that can be easily understand. * To secure database file by creating a user log-in for security purposes. E. Scope and Limitations The library system can only monitor the borrowed and returned books. It computes the penalty for due date. The system does not include the inventory of the books. F. Significance of the Study As the researchers identify their objectives, they were able to discuss the significance of their topic to certain factors which they are closely related: Librarian / Custodian * The Librarian / Custodian will benefit from this project because it will help him/her monitor the books borrowed and returned. School * The school will benefit from this project because they help provide books to student of that school. Student * The student will benefit from this project because can help the student to easily know if the books he /she need is available or not in the library. Chapter II A. Feasibility Study 1. Operational Feasibility The system is operationally feasible because their library staff is computer literate and is trained to use computer applications plus, they know the basic things they used to do on the manual library system, thereby maintaining the concepts of the originallibrary logic. We can also say that it is operationally feasible because their facility has computers without taking much space and the main office actually holds the database since they originally have a main storage of information for the billing of their student. 2. Technical Feasibility The proposed system is technicallyfeasible because the Software and Hardware are available. The Software to be use is Visual Basic. Net and the database is MS Access. 3. Economical Feasibility The system is economically feasible. The maintenance of computer hardware and software is updated. a. Initial Investment Computer set with printer P15, 000. Computer programmer P40, 000 Total initial Investment P55, 00 b. Existing Operational Cost Salary of 3 employees P30, 000 Logbook & papers P1, 500 Ball pensP150 Electricity P 1, 200 Total operational cost P32,850 c. Proposed System Operational Cost Salary of 2 employees P25, 000 Internet connectionP1, 200 Electricity P1, 500 PapersP 900 Total operational cost P28,600 d. Savings Monthly Operational Cost| Existing| Supplies| P1,650| Maintenance| P1,200| Labor| P30,000| Total| P32,850| Yearly Operational Cost| Existing| 1st| P394,200| 2nd| P421,794| 3rd| P449,388| 4th| P476,982| 5th| P504,576| Monthly Operational Cost| Proposed|. Supplies| P900| Maintenance| P2,700| Labor| P25,000| Total| P28,600| Yearly Operational Cost| Proposed| 1st| P343,200| 2nd| P367,224| 3rd| P391,284| 4th| P415,272| 5th| P439,296| SAVINGS/PAY | Existing System| Proposed System| Savings| 1st Year| 394,200| 343,200| 51,000| 2nd Year| 788,400| 686,400| 102,000| 3rd Year| 1,182,600| 1,029,600| 153,00| 4th Year| 1,576,800| 1,372,800| 204,000| 5th Year| 1,971,000| 1,716,000| 255,00| BACK PERIOD Chapter III ID ID A. Data Flow Diagram 1. DFD of Existing System BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK NO PENALTY NO PENALTY ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK ACCCEPTED BORROWED BOOK 5 CHECK PENALTY 5 CHECK. PENALTY 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 4 ACCEPT BORROWED BOOK 6 RETURN ID 6 RETURN ID Student Student ID, BOOK ID, BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID & BOOK 1 RECEIVED ID & BOOK M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD M1 LOGBOOK M1 LOGBOOK W/ PENALTY W/ PENALTY RECEIPT RECEIPT RECEIVED ID & BOOK RECEIVED ID & BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT 7 ACCEPT PAYMENT M2 BOOK CARD M2 BOOK CARD PAYMENT PAYMENT Student Student. 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK M3 PENALTY M3 PENALTY 2. DFD of Proposed System ID ID 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION 5 RECORD RETURN TRANSACTION NO PAYMENT NO PAYMENT RETURNED BOOK RETURNED BOOK. 4 CHECK PENALTY 4 CHECK PENALTY Student Student BORROWED BOOK BORROWED BOOK Recorded Return Transaction Recorded Return Transaction 1 RECORD BOOK CARD 1 RECORD BOOK CARD C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO DISPATCHED BOOK DISPATCHED BOOK Recorded Transaction Recorded Transaction 6 COMPUTE PENALTY 6 COMPUTE PENALTY C1 TRANSACTION INFO C1 TRANSACTION INFO 7 ACCEPT PENALTY 7 ACCEPT PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY COMPUTED PENALTY 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK 2 UPDATE CARD BOOK C2 Book Card C2 Book Card PAYMENT PAYMENT CHANGE CHANGE Student Student 3 DISPATCH BOOK 3 DISPATCH BOOK B. Prototyping 1. Program Listing Screen Title: Log-in Form Description: This is the log-in form. First the user will input the username and the password then click the log-in button. If the user inputted the correct username and password it will show the transactions form. Screen Title: ERROR Button Description: This form will show if the user inputted the wrong username and password. To go back to the log-in form click the OK button. Administrator Screen Title: Administrator Description: This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. Admin Account Screen Title: Admin Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Student Account Screen Title: Student Account Description: This is where the user can view their account and information. Select Information Screen Title: Select Information Description: This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. Student Information Screen Title: Student Information Description: This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No., Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. Book Information Screen Title: Book Information Description: This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Borrowed Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. Transaction Information of Returned book Screen Title: Transaction Information of Returned Book Description: This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned. Database File Structures. | Student Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 50| Grade & Section| Text| 50| Address| Text| 150| Contact No| Number| 15| | Book Information| | Field Name| Type| Width| Book No| Number| 10| Book Title| Text| 150| Book Author| Text| 150| Subject| Text| 100| Location| Text| 150| Status| Text| 150| | TRANSACTION INFO| | Field Name| Type| Width| Transaction No| Number| 15| Student No| Number| 15| Name| Text| 150| Book No| Number| 10| Book Author| Text| 150| Date Borrow| Date| N/A| Date Return| Date| N/A| Due Date| Date| N/A| Penalty| Currency| 10| | Book Card| |. Field Name| Type| Width| Name| Text| 150| Title of the book| Text| 15| Book number| Text| 10| Date Borrow| Date | N/A| Date return| Date| N/A| Date Due| Date| N/A| General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Transaction Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| Penalty| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php30. 00| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| Php20. 00| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Php50. 00| | Total: ____P100. 00____ Total: ____P100. 00____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Borrowed Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ General Miguel Malvar Elementary School Mangga Ave, Sta Mesa, Manila Report of Retuned Books Transaction No| Student No| Book No| Book Title| Date Borrow| Due Date| Date Returned| 1| 1000013| 400| Skills in Reading| 10/2/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 2| 1000014| 401| Modern in Action| 10/3/2012| 10/5/2012| 10/8/2012| 3| 1000015| 402| English V| 10/1/2012| 10/9/2012| 10/9/2012| Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ Prepared By: __Tina Guerrero__ User Manual I. System Requirements CPU| Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Semprov| | Clock Speed| 2. 0GHz or higher| | System Memory(RAM)| 1G| | Operating System| Windows XPVista| |. HDD free space| 2. 0GB| | DirectX| 9. 0 or higher| | Internet Connection| 1Gbps| | Video Card| GeForce FX6600 or Radeon 9800 series| | Video Memory| 512MB| | II. Installation 1. Run the installation setup, MMESLYS-Setup. exe. Afterwards, users are to be prompted to this screen. Click Next to continue. Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard Welcome to Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System Installation Setup Wizard This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer This will install Miguel Malvar Elem School Library System 1. 0 on your Computer 2. They will be asked to confirm if you agree on the End-User license agreement for them to be able to proceed with the installation. Choose â€Å"I agree† then Next button would be enabled. Click Next. 3. After signing off the EULA, they would now be brought to the page wherein they would choose where to put the folder for the application. Choose where to put the files and click Next. 4. The wizard will now start installing the system. Just wait for the progress to reach completion and then click Next. The installation has been successfully completed by that and the user just needs to click Close to exit the installation wizard. III. System Navigation 1. This is the log-in form will be welcome to the log in interface. They just need to use the log in IDs provided by the Administrator and then click the Log in button. 2. This is the invalid username password if your username you input is not correct, just click the ok button. 3. This is where you can view the student account and admin account. If you click the button menu you can see the information of the student and the administration. 4. This admin account will show the information of admin and their account 5. This student account will show the information of the student. 6. This is the Select Information Form. If the user wants to view the Student Information he/she will click the Student Information Button. If the user wants to view the Book Information he/she will click the Book Information Button. If the user wants to view or make Transaction he/she will click the Transaction Information Button. If the user wants to view the reports he/she will click the Report Button. If the user wants to view or make another user he/she will click the Administration Button. 7. This form is the Student Information form. It contains the Student No. , Name, Grade and Section, Address, and Contact number. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Student information. 8. This form is the Book Information form. It contains the Book No. , Book Title, Book ISD, Book Author, Subject, Location and Status. In this form the user can add, edit and delete Book Information. 9. This form is the Transaction Information of Borrowed Book form. The user can input the Book No. , Due Date and penalty of the Borrowed Book. 10. This form is the Transaction Information of Returned Book form. This form will compute the Penalty based on the due date or how long it was before the book is returned.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Structures of Han China and Ancient Rome

During the classical era, Han China and Ancient Rome were the pioneers for the change and the plethora of improvements that took place in civilized societies. The Han Dynasty consisted of persistent regional riots and rebellions against harsh state demands, and Ancient Rome expanded through the Mediterranean and areas of Hellenistic civilization.Together, these two civilizations introduced many essential changes in human life and provided an arena for the spread of organized civilizations. Although both Han China and Ancient Rome acquired powerful religious systems, Ancient Rome’s social structure was far more structured than Han China’s in regards to treatment of women and social status.Han China and Ancient Rome both demonstrated prosperous, influential religious systems that influenced other religious systems. In Han China, many followed Confucianism as a religion. Confucian teachings emphasized strong rulers and the consolidation of political power. Confucianism was not a religion, but a philosophy.It advocated rule by the highly educated, male elite, and it was primarily an ethical system. Respect for elders, art, music, and elegant calligraphy in the cultivation of scholar-bureaucrats were all important. Other Confucian teachings were Legalism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Confucianism has exerted a pervasive influence on other societies throughout Asia.Confucianism has affected and been incorporated in nearly every aspect of life. Education, government, behavior, and how the people should live their lives are all connected and Confucianism provided a code and a guide to have effective government and education, and lead a happy, successful life.China’s Confucian ideals, technological advancements, and prosperous agrarian state captivated major thinkers in Europe and the United States. The Roman Empire provided an arena for the spread of Christianity and the interaction of numerous diverse cultures. Christianity emerged during the first years of the Roman Empire under Augustus. Originally an offshoot of Judaism, early Christianity had little to do with Roman culture.In the centuries after Jesus' execution, many outside of Judaism converted to the new religion. Perhaps as many as 10 percent of the Roman population were Christian by the fourth century C.E. Christianity spread most rapidly among the poor and disadvantaged classes of the empire. Christianity also won converts from among those seeking a more emotionally satisfying form of religion. Roman stability and communications aided in the spread of the religion.The early political form of Christianity was drawn from the imperial constitution. In Christianity, bishops were governors of local communities and supervised activities from cities in which they resided. Bishops in the most powerful cities gained greater authority.The apostle Paul, who brought Christian beliefs to a wider public, was a critical figure in the dissemination of the new religion. Gradually Christi an theologians began to define religious beliefs in terms of Greco-Roman philosophy. Christianity became the most creative intellectual area of later imperial culture.In this sense, Christianity was an important conservator of earlier intellectual traditions. Refusal of Christian communities to participate in state rituals caused some early emperors to persecute individuals and groups. Persecution was only episodic, and eventually the state was able to allot to the Church a legitimate, if subordinate, place in the world.Women enjoyed more freedom and status in Han China than in Ancient Rome, which was a much more structured society for women. Because marriages were arranged with family alliances in Han China, young men had as little say in the choice of their spouses as women. Young brides usually could rely on their powerful relatives to ensure that they were well treated in the new home.Widowed women were permitted to remarry, and all women participated in family ceremonies. Women of upper class families were often tutored in writing, the arts, and music. Although political positions were reserved for men, women could sometimes exert powerful influence from behind the throne.In Ancient Rome, on the other hand, the Roman law stipulated that the husband is the judge of his wife. If she commits a fault, he punishes her; if she has drunk wine, he condemns her; if she has been guilty of adultery, he kills her. If divorced because of adultery, a Roman woman would lose one-third of her property and had to wear a special garment that set her apart like a prostitute.As wives and mothers, many aristocratic Roman women wielded political power, but only through their husbands. Inequality between men and women increased in the empire’s final stages. Roman family structure was very patriarchal.There was much less lenience in the class structure of Han China than Ancient Rome. In Ancient Rome, there was class conflict between the growing  ranks of the poor and the Roman aristocracy. Some political leaders attempted to aggrandize their careers on the basis of this conflict.Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus, two tribunes, attempted to introduce land reform and other social legislation in favor of the poor between 133 B.C.E. and 123 B.C.E. Both were killed by aristocratic mandate. After 107 B.C.E., the Roman consul Marius began to use paid volunteers to staff his armies in place of conscripted Roman citizens.The creation of a permanent military force dedicated to its commander threatened the position of the Senate. A second commander, Sulla, drove out Marius and his political allies. A succession of military commanders dominated Roman politics thereafter. A civil war between two of them, Pompey and Julius Caesar, brought the republic to an end. After Caesar took over the government in 49 B.C.E., he introduced various reforms. The result was to destroy the political monopoly of the Roman aristocracy.Traditionalist senators plotted against Caesar and h ad him assassinated in 44 B.C.E. Caesar's death precipitated a civil war from which Caesar's adopted son, Octavian, emerged the victor. While maintaining the external appearance of the republic, Octavian created an imperial state. For his success, he was granted the name Augustus.The Han class systems were much different. In Han China, rebellion was almost nonexistent. Ordinary farmers held varying amounts of land, and those who worked on the land of others as tenants or did landless labor were even more miserable. Many peasants joined secret societies with colorful names. Merchant classes became wealthier and more numerous, but they found it incredibly difficult to translate their profits into political power or social status.However, even when people were unhappy, they did not complain. Status was often unchangeable, so unlike Ancient Rome, people did not and could not revolt. These great classical civilizations lend themselves to a variety of comparisons to other civilizations du ring the time.In particular, Confucianism of the Han Dynasty and Christianity of Ancient Roman have spread throughout the world. Because of the Roman Empire, Christianity has spread throughout Europe from Jerusalem to Mesopotamia. Today, it is most influential in North and South America and Europe.Because of the Han Dynasty, Confucianism and Confucian ideas have had an impact on Eastern Asia, especially Japan, Egypt, and Vietnam, and it has even influenced Taoism. Even though both Han China and Ancient Rome acquired  incredible religious systems, Ancient Rome’s social structure was far more controlling than Han China’s in regards to treatment of women and social status.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Makes Silicon Prairie The Best Place For Startups - CoSchedule

What Makes Silicon Prairie The Best Place For Startups You’ve probably heard startups have to be in Silicon Valley. That’s an understandable assumption. After all, it’s where many of the world’s biggest software successes call home. But, is it really where startups have to be located to be successful? Is it possible, or even probable, that there are other places where you can build world-class software without heading for the coast? For our team at , the answer is a resounding yes. In fact, as a proud North Dakota-based company (you read that right), we’re proof positive you don’t have to leave home to build great software. From local investment opportunities to a skilled and ambitious talent pool, we wouldn’t trade the benefits of our home state to be anywhere else in the world. With more than 8,000 customers located in 100-plus countries around the globe, we think the numbers speak for themselves. So, what makes the Silicon Prairie the best place for ? That’s the question we’ll answer on this episode of #OverheardFrom.What Makes Silicon Prairie The Best Place For Startups? | #OverheardAt Recommended Viewing: Where In The World Is Located? How to Focus on 10X Growth Projects How to Make Your Meetings Effective (And Not Suck) Transcript: Eric: Everyone knows the best place for a startup is Silicon Valley, right? Wrong. Welcome to the Silicon Prairie. Howdy everyone, this is Eric with and welcome to Overheard at , the show where we talk about the things we talk about a . Were flipping the script. Im out in the middle of the beautiful prairie here in North Dakota. Our customers jaws always drop when they find out that s based in Bismarck and I love it. We are merely miles from the geographical center of North America so you know what? How about we find out how the middle of nowhere suddenly becomes the middle of everywhere. All right, were here with Garrett Moon, CEO, Co-founder of . I find this absolutely incredible, Garrett. Were sitting behind the world map. Weve got 8,000 customers in 100-plus countries and were doing straight out of North Dakota, which I love. Youve got to fill in the rs out there, what is this North Dakota advantage? Garrett: Oh, theres tons, besides the weather we also have things like were a technology company in a state thats actively trying to grow in the technology sector, so theres a ton of economic advantages, incentives and things that come our way that way. I think theres also just this dynamic of were able to be a big fish in a little pond rather than being a little fish in a big pond. That helps us stand out, it helps us really differentiate ourselves from other employers and stuff in the state and it gives us a ton of value going forward. Eric: Hi Emma. Emma: Hey Eric. Eric: What do you love about North Dakota? Emma: Obviously the people. Definitely the hot dish. Eric: So good, right? Emma: So good. Third, the jobs. I actually moved here from Florida because of the job opportunities for millennials. Eric: You dont say? Youre so smart, Emma. Emma: Thanks Eric. Eric: Later. Emma: Later. Eric: Hey Jordan. Jordan: Hey man. Eric: Hows it going? Jordan: So good. Eric: Good. Youve been here a whopping month now, is that correct? Jordan: Thats right, yeah. Eric: Okay, this is the perfect question. Im asking folks why North Dakota and why ? Jordan: First of all, killer team, insanely cool product and its nice to be back in our hometown. Eric: Your hometown, youve got to tell me more here. Jordan: Thats right. Wife and I did Minneapolis thing, did the Denver thing, but theres something about being back in your hometown, family around, AKA built-in babysitters thats just too sweet to pass up. Eric: I got it. So built-in babysitter, check. Helping marketers be more productive, check. Helping them get [sound effect] down, triple check. Jordan: Amen. Eric: I feel you. Take care, man. Youve got to love that a state as notoriously known for its cold winters has suddenly become the hotbed for marketing technology. Im Eric with . Thanks for tuning in to Overheard at and our quest to organize the world one marketing calendar at a time. Yee-ha!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

women journalizm essays

women journalizm essays Journalism has been a profession which attracted women since the turn of the 20th Century. It is a profession in which women fought long and hard for their voices to be heard, their status to be respected and their lives to be improved. During this time, different laws, regulations and policies affected the women in journalism. It was also during this time that the womens liberation movement emerged and began using journalism as its mouthpiece. Each of the women discussed throughout this paper lived and worked in different stages of Egyptian development. Each stage had an impact on the womens lives and their work. Throughout this essay the lives of Nawal el Saadawy, Amina el Said and Inji Rushdi will be examined. Each of these women had a significant impact on journalism and in turn, journalism had an impact on their own lives. The womens liberation movement was considered revolutionary in many ways. It came during a time were women were locked up at home, veiled and uneducated. One of the founders of womens rights in Egypt was Qassim Amin. In his two books, the Emancipation of Women and The New Women, Amin sought to form an interpretation of Islamic doctrine which would meet the needs of women without departing from the general principles of sharia . Amin believed that the solution to a Muslim womans problems was education. He felt that women needed to be educated in order to be respected and be capable of reasoning. Most women in Egypt at that time had no formal education and this idea of introducing education for girls was quite foreign for many. He explained that through education, women would be introduced to society where their intellectual and physical capabilities would be of benefit to the society as a whole . Thus, the introduction of women would turn them into producers within society and not j ust consumers living like parasites . Amin was opposed by both men and women for his revol...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Review Of The United States Scopes Trial

A Review Of The United State's Scopes Trial The modern world is the child of doubt and inquiry, as the ancient world was the child of fear and faith (p. 72). This statement was uttered by Clarence Darrow, the counsel for the defense of John Scopes during the monkey trial that rather questionably put Dayton, TN on the world s map in 1925. Similar words could have been uttered in many other occasions during human history, including in 1996, when the Tennessee legislature tried once more to gag educators and evolutionary biologists throughout the state. Historian and law professor Edward Larson s book on one of the many trials of the century is therefore much more than a very lively and informative piece of historical reconstruction and criticism. It is as relevant to present controversies as it would have been in the 20s. The trouble with the Scopes trial is that everybody thinks they know what happened, but they usually don t. Our image of the epic battle between Darrow and William Jennings Bryan has been shaped much more by its dramatization in Inherit the Wind, than by what actually happened in Dayton during the period that Darrow referred to as a Summer for the Gods (p. 177). And perhaps understandably so. The depictions of the key characters by Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, Frederich March, and Tony Randall are captivating and unforgettable. In dramatizing such epic events, however, not only does the story become more inaccurate, but it acquires all the flavor of a myth. And mythology is only the shadow of truth. In some sense, the modern perception of the Scopes trial is akin to our understanding of the other famous debate on evolution, the encounter between Thomas Huxley and Bishop Wilbeforce in 1860 immediately after the publication of Darwin s Origin. Evolutionists cling to the myth that Huxley smashed Wilbeforce in Oxford, and that truth prevailed over bigotry (Caudill, 1997), just as Darrow humiliated Bryan thereby giving evolution a long-lasting victory that went beyond the mere fact that Scopes was actually convicted. In some sense, this is true. Evolution won because it is now the accepted worldview among professional biologists. The victory was due not only to evolution s intrinsic scientific merits, but also to the enthusiasm catalyzed in young biologists in every country by the drama of the Oxford and Dayton debates. Technically, however, neither side actually won either debate. And that is because debates cannot be won: the supporters of each school of thought leave the debate feeling that their hero carried the day. But debates play another role. Rather than uncovering the truth, they are a unique opportunity to educate the usually silent majority of people who are not previously committed to one point of view. In fact, anti-evolutionist crusader Frank Norris wrote to Bryan before the trial: It is the greatest opportunity to educate the public, and will accomplish more than ten years campaigning (p. 123). Such is the nature of public debates, conducted more by campaigning and discursive technique than by logic and factual evidence. Nevertheless, this is a lesson that creationists have learned and exploited very well (Futuyma, 1995) and that has most unfortunately not been impressed into the minds of evolution scientists. Indeed, scientists who engage in debating creationists or organizing campus events to raise awareness of the scientific status of evolution ( are generally chided by their colleagues for wasting time. As Skeptic Society president Michael Shermer put it while debating creationist Duane Gish (1997), truth has long been ascertained in the scientific arena; now it is a matter of convincing the public. And the stakes are much higher than most evolutionists think. Let us not forget that most of our funding comes from Federal agencies, and that their budgets are at the whim of politicians and, by extension, public opinion. It is a matter of fact that, for this reason, the National Science Foundation actively deletes the word evolution from layman abstracts of funded proposals (which are public record). That the creation-evolution debate was an educational, not a scientific matter was perfectly clear (to scientists) as early as the time of the Scopes trial. Larson relates the involvement of personalities such as Columbia University president Nicholas Butler, according to whom The Legislature and the Governor of Tennessee have [] made it impossible for a scholar to be a teacher in that State without becoming at the same time a law-breaker (p. 111). Princeton president John Hibben echoed that the anti-evolution law was outrageous and the trial absurd (p. 112). Yale president James Angell commented that the educated man must recognize and knit into his view of life the undeniable physical basis of the world (p. 112). George Bernard Shaw deplored what he referred to as the monstrous defense of fundamentalism. Albert Einstein added that any restriction of academic freedom heaps coals of shame upon the community (p. 112). As it was then, it remains today: an issue of academic freedom, an all-important issue for any educator. And it is an issue that is not going away, since while I am getting ready to submit this article for publication the Washington state senate is taking up yet another measure not to teach evolution as fact. As Randall aptly put it, sometimes we wonder if anyone ever learns anything (p. 246). Interestingly, the book s blurbs include endorsements by both Philip Johnson and Will Provine. The first is a creationist who has written extensively against Darwinism and evolutionism. The latter, himself a veteran of debates with creationists, is a distinct and foremost voice urging evolution scientists to engage creationists at every turn. Noticeably, both Provine and Johnson agree on what is actually a minority opinion within both scientists and Christians (albeit one characterized by an internally consistent logic): that evolution is in direct and irrevocable conflict with the Bible. However, the positive endorsement of Larson s book by both Provine and Johnson demonstrates that Summer for the Gods is indeed remarkably balanced. The author s objectivity, while commendable, is also appropriate, for the purpose of the book is not to resolve a scientific dispute (that has been settled long ago), but to present a historical explication of the case in its proper social context. This he achieves in a work that is scholarly, extremely well-documented, and an engrossing narrative accessible to a general audience. Larson displays the Scopes trial as a tapestry of interwoven threads, sometimes difficult to tease apart. There was science vs. religion, but also the intellectual north vs. the conservative south, a shade of racism (the Klan took upon itself to defend anti-evolutionism), the whole explosively mixed with local (damaged) pride generated from the still fresh wounds of the Civil War. Larson s reconstruction of the atmosphere that then reigned throughout the nation, in the southern states, and in Dayton in particular is very illuminating. But he also points out that the most important aspect of the battle was between two visions of democracy: Bryan s majoritarianism vs. Darrow s defense (sponsored by the American Civili Liberty Union) of minority rights. This tension remains with us today, as a major test of the health of a free society. As Arthur Hays, co-author with Mencken of several banned books, and a lawyer for the ACLU at the time put it: We should bear in mind that there may be n o greater oppression than by the rule of majority (p. 68).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Role Of A Leader In Managing Crisis. Toyota case study Essay

Role Of A Leader In Managing Crisis. Toyota case study - Essay Example A leader’s primary role is to set the goals for the crisis management strategy which requires to be based on the organisation’s values. Leadership qualities are measured through the commitment involved in drafting crisis problem along with the firm’s top management. Further identifying the levels of problem related to crisis management will enable a leader to create a friendly and supportive environment in the organisation. The next step for the leader lies in identifying the team to lead the crisis management. The purpose of the team will be to identify the crisis in the organisation. The main role of the leadership here will lie in empowering the team and making the team competent to analyse the crisis by different components such as process, location, pressure, market place and industry (Goel, 2009, p. 247). The tertiary role of the leadership is to implement strategy leading to effective communication with both internal and external sources such as employees, stakeholders, partners, etc. Apart from this regular training to the employees regarding crisis management is another important aspect to measure the leadership attributes. External forces An organisation’s ability to identify external forces which can impact the internal environment of the organisation is an important mechanism related to crisis management. This requires the incorporation of scrutinising mechanism by the leadership to continuously analyse the external forces and convert them into values for the organisation and the members associated with it. ... Example: A hospital’s ability to foresee the impact of technology advancement and the ability to adopt the latest technology in its various departments can be adjudged as the modification in its internal atmosphere to convene the fundamental change in the external force related to technology (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2010, p. 230). Internal forces Like external forces, the internal forces too have an impact on the organisation and its ability to adapt itself in the changing environment. It is important for the leadership to maintain a balance between work and process to be able to change the work mechanism as demanded by both internal and external forces. This concept of liveliness is very important for the leadership to understand the current dynamics of work. Example: Distribution channel of pharmacy, supply chain management of materials are the representatives of internal work structures and needs to change with the changing environment. Akio Toyoda’s respons e in related to the Toyota crisis can be examined in a more illustrated manner in the following manner: Dysfunctional organisation culture The leaders of Toyota are the main culprits as they are the ones responsible for the crisis. Akio Toyoda took the control of the organisation when it was not in best of shape; expert advice was often neglected over safety measures which ultimately had an impact on organisation. Crisis cannot always be spun Akio Toyoda made the mistake of taking the situation lightly and not paying much heed to the consequences. Instead of responding that the organisation is replacing the faulty parts and will keep doing the same in the near future, Akio Toyoda should have

Feedback Loops Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Feedback Loops - Assignment Example Kane (2010) argues that reinforcing loops speeds up the pace of the system as opposed to the initial pace. Feedback in the Air Force will involve the members of staff in decision making, as growth of a system does not occur without application of an effort. In the Air Force as well, balancing loops is important since if the effect dampens, there is need to motivate the staff towards reviving the organization’s set policies. The organization being complex needs to have responses to the feedbacks given. In regard to organizational strategy, feedback loops is of benefit since the organization will have a better chance of steering towards the present. Of essence, the vision and mission of the organization will only be effected through clear communication with the staff, which is only possible through feedback loops (Kane, 2010). Balancing the feedback loops will indeed make the work easier for prospective managers, and in our case, top executives in Air

Film review in mythic and propagandistic aspects Essay

Film review in mythic and propagandistic aspects - Essay Example This was a period of incertitude for the Russians, during which communism was still unstable and so was the new Russia, hence the profound motivation for the Russian government’s use of propaganda to instill its political ethos in the Russian population. The film’s director Eisenstein takes great liberty and makes significant alterations to this historical record of events thus controlling the narrative structure and pacing of the film (Severson). This was Eisenstein’s attempt to create an effective and well-structured film that is not bound to the nuances of the historical record, but his key shots and scenes are in fact actual depictions of what took place in the Potemkin mutiny. The titular Battleship Potemkin was a true Russian navy ship and its crew that rebelled against their tsarist captain siding with the Bolshevics was a real record of the prototypical communist struggle before its eventual triumph in 1917 (Yahner). The sailors, who were the proletariats , are portrayed as the heroic everyman of the movie while the captain and the Tsarist soldiers, who were bourgeois, are scorned as the villains of the film. The film leverages on its fiery rhetoric and violent scenes to evoke anti-capitalism feelings in the audiences, while glorifying the communism philosophy. The film establishes its strong communist ethos through the character of Vakulinchuk, an Ukranian sailor in the Russian Navy who prior to his death in 1905 had served on the Russian battleship Potemkin and witnessed the events that had occurred. Similarly, the director further embellishes the films’ ethos through masterful editing skills rather than shooting the movie in a single scene-by-scene fashion as was the norm in the 1920s; Eisenstein pioneered most of the modern film editing techniques by flashing several characters and settings across the screen despite the limitation of technology at his time (Oheir). The fourth chapter of the film, the Odessa Staircase, beca me Eisenstein’s

Thursday, October 17, 2019

EXAMINE the proposition that there exists a correlation btween the Essay

EXAMINE the proposition that there exists a correlation btween the rate of inflation and the level of unemployment. explain the significance of your result - Essay Example For instance, an unemployment rate of 5% is considered as acceptable in the United States. Almost all economic variables are related to each other. A rise in one consequently causes either a fall or an increase in another. Two variables display this relationship. These are unemployment and inflation. This essay will examine the proposition that there exists this correlation between the rate of inflation and the level of unemployment. Firstly, it will briefly explore the concepts of inflation and unemployment. Secondly, it will examine the relationship between these two variables. Thirdly, it will explain the significance of this correlation and finally give a conclusion. Inflation is, by simple definition, an increase in prices. However, in a more detailed definition, it is the consistent and sustained increase in the general price level of commodities and services. Inflation has an immediate effect on the value of a currency of the country experiencing it. For instance, if the United Kingdom is experiencing inflation in its economy, then the value of a sterling pound reduces. Here the value of a currency denotes its purchasing power or the quantity of real goods that one unit of the currency can purchase. The value of a currency varies with the level of inflation, and is never constant (Mankiw, 2011:43). Where there is an increase in the rate of inflation, the purchasing power of people in an economy declines. The opposite is also true for a decrease in the rate of inflation. Inflation is measured as percentage. Specifically, it is measured as a percentage increase of goods and services in a given year. For instance, if the rate of inflation in a y ear is 3%, then a commodity that costs 1 sterling pound will cost 1.03 sterling pounds after inflation is factored in. Inflation has three major variations. These are deflation, hyperinflation, and stagflation (Vogt, 2008:37). Deflation refers to a situation in the economy when the general price level of

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] Essay

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] - Essay Example If the State acknowledges the bid, then a private school can start receiving funds for their transport costs. Bidding renewals are to be done annually. However, to every rule, there is an exception. If a school happens to have vehicles owned by their District, then there is no need to renew their bid. Additionally, some schools may have opted to enter into a joint agreement with another. This implies that one school may apply on behalf of another. Similarly, some schools may be part of a coordinated transportation agency as asserted by Say student (2008). The Board of education is also given the mandate to reject applications for transport financing in the event that applications are made poorly. On the other hand, there is a maximum student number that can be covered by and district board. This implies that when the optimum number has been reached then all other applications will be rejected. Additionally, in the event that a private school is applying for transport funding yet it only deals with special children, then the board of education is mandated to reject their application. Similarly, if a school provides only vocational training or it provides only technical skills, then they are not eligible for state funding. When student's residential areas are over twenty miles away from the school, then they may not necessarily get access to State funds. Federal States also require that children meet certain age criterion in order to enroll for the program. For instance, in the State of New Jersey, children who are between kindergartens and age twelve are eligible for transportation services provided by the District in elementary schools. It should be noted that it is not mandatory for private schools to receive funding from their respective District school boards. But they have the option of utilizing other options available for them. For instances, it is not mandatory for a private school to receive funding in the event that their residents are located beyond two and a half miles and two miles for high schools and elementary schools respectively. There are also cases in which a school is located out of State but may wish to get funding from a school district Board. This is only permissible in the event that the school is located in a county with a third class rating. Additionally, funding may also be granted to those individuals who are found in counties that have a population greater than eighty thousand. However, this population may not exceed one hundred and twenty thousand people as put forward by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007). . Some private schools may be not for profit organizations. Such schools are also not mandated to receive transport funding, but may gain access given the fact that most of them are have tax exemption status. However not for profit institutions are usually required to display solid evidence bout their status. This is done by bringing an affidavit that will act as a form of evidence. There area also cases in which some schools have met all other criteria enlisted above but happen to be located twenty miles away from their schools. The legislature normally examines such schools on an annul basis. Once they find that these people meet the right criterion then they may

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Film review in mythic and propagandistic aspects Essay

Film review in mythic and propagandistic aspects - Essay Example This was a period of incertitude for the Russians, during which communism was still unstable and so was the new Russia, hence the profound motivation for the Russian government’s use of propaganda to instill its political ethos in the Russian population. The film’s director Eisenstein takes great liberty and makes significant alterations to this historical record of events thus controlling the narrative structure and pacing of the film (Severson). This was Eisenstein’s attempt to create an effective and well-structured film that is not bound to the nuances of the historical record, but his key shots and scenes are in fact actual depictions of what took place in the Potemkin mutiny. The titular Battleship Potemkin was a true Russian navy ship and its crew that rebelled against their tsarist captain siding with the Bolshevics was a real record of the prototypical communist struggle before its eventual triumph in 1917 (Yahner). The sailors, who were the proletariats , are portrayed as the heroic everyman of the movie while the captain and the Tsarist soldiers, who were bourgeois, are scorned as the villains of the film. The film leverages on its fiery rhetoric and violent scenes to evoke anti-capitalism feelings in the audiences, while glorifying the communism philosophy. The film establishes its strong communist ethos through the character of Vakulinchuk, an Ukranian sailor in the Russian Navy who prior to his death in 1905 had served on the Russian battleship Potemkin and witnessed the events that had occurred. Similarly, the director further embellishes the films’ ethos through masterful editing skills rather than shooting the movie in a single scene-by-scene fashion as was the norm in the 1920s; Eisenstein pioneered most of the modern film editing techniques by flashing several characters and settings across the screen despite the limitation of technology at his time (Oheir). The fourth chapter of the film, the Odessa Staircase, beca me Eisenstein’s

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] Essay

Current School Finance Issues Paper [w5d7-i] - Essay Example If the State acknowledges the bid, then a private school can start receiving funds for their transport costs. Bidding renewals are to be done annually. However, to every rule, there is an exception. If a school happens to have vehicles owned by their District, then there is no need to renew their bid. Additionally, some schools may have opted to enter into a joint agreement with another. This implies that one school may apply on behalf of another. Similarly, some schools may be part of a coordinated transportation agency as asserted by Say student (2008). The Board of education is also given the mandate to reject applications for transport financing in the event that applications are made poorly. On the other hand, there is a maximum student number that can be covered by and district board. This implies that when the optimum number has been reached then all other applications will be rejected. Additionally, in the event that a private school is applying for transport funding yet it only deals with special children, then the board of education is mandated to reject their application. Similarly, if a school provides only vocational training or it provides only technical skills, then they are not eligible for state funding. When student's residential areas are over twenty miles away from the school, then they may not necessarily get access to State funds. Federal States also require that children meet certain age criterion in order to enroll for the program. For instance, in the State of New Jersey, children who are between kindergartens and age twelve are eligible for transportation services provided by the District in elementary schools. It should be noted that it is not mandatory for private schools to receive funding from their respective District school boards. But they have the option of utilizing other options available for them. For instances, it is not mandatory for a private school to receive funding in the event that their residents are located beyond two and a half miles and two miles for high schools and elementary schools respectively. There are also cases in which a school is located out of State but may wish to get funding from a school district Board. This is only permissible in the event that the school is located in a county with a third class rating. Additionally, funding may also be granted to those individuals who are found in counties that have a population greater than eighty thousand. However, this population may not exceed one hundred and twenty thousand people as put forward by the Toronto Catholic District School Board (2007). . Some private schools may be not for profit organizations. Such schools are also not mandated to receive transport funding, but may gain access given the fact that most of them are have tax exemption status. However not for profit institutions are usually required to display solid evidence bout their status. This is done by bringing an affidavit that will act as a form of evidence. There area also cases in which some schools have met all other criteria enlisted above but happen to be located twenty miles away from their schools. The legislature normally examines such schools on an annul basis. Once they find that these people meet the right criterion then they may

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Education and Society Essay Example for Free

Education and Society Essay Education in the United States has become a crucial part of every Americans life. Completing high school opens doors for individual achievement and is directly linked to economic success. But equally important to the completion of high school is a rich and positive experience in the learning process. Educators are skilled in creating great learning experiences and to enhancing the curriculum, while parents are even more influential. Parents are the positive influence for many children who would otherwise be drastically falling behind, failing, or even dropping out of school. The child’s family background, combined with passed down values and experiences will determine the students high school education. The role of technology in early childhood education is an effective tool for students, so the lack of technology in a child’s upbringing can affect their educational career. For example, students who do not begin using various types of technology from kindergarten can fall behind. Studies found that students who are less likely to access technology at home can be at an academic disadvantage. This shows how vital technology is in a childs education, however there is a challenge in making it available to everyone. Particularly low-income or minority college students could have trouble in succeeding in a technology-saturated environment. Some parents dont parents dont understand the importance of Internet access, since in their generation, the Internet was a luxury, not a necessity. However, the bigger issue seems to be the gap between Whites who have access to the Internet and minorities. Studies found that â€Å"56% of Latino adults and 60% of African American can use the Internet,compared to 71% of White adults. The same organization finds that while 42% of white families and 41% of Latino 2 families 666subscribe to broadband access,only 31% of African American households have such access. Even if lower income schools computer labs students need to build their skills at home as well. Early childhood reading for children can bring a positive outcome to a child’s life. What a child learns in their early years are things that will continue to helps them along in their future in school and in the real world. When a child is introduced to early childhood education, they can get many benefits from it. Benefits include learning to interact in new situations, use critical thinking and basic speech skills before kindergarten. According to Maryanne Wolf, â€Å"In most underprivileged communities, no children’s books were found in homes; in the low come to middle income community there were, on average three books; and in the affluent community there were around 200. † Parents need to create an atmosphere where reading takes place in order to show the importance of reading, but low-income families are falling behind. Parents from affluent communities are able to gain access to understanding the importance of reading while parents from lower income don’t have the resources. Its unclear why low income families dont have as many books in the home, but the issue might be attributed to a poor school library, lack of understanding for the importance of books, or the obvious issue with low financial resources to buy books. Parents from different language background and parents who arent literate in English, will likely raise children who have to play catch-up once they enter kindergarten. Reading can’t just happen over night it needs to be developed over time. If books are limited, discussions and thoughts arent spoken out loud, and this can result in problems. Catherine snow of Harvard and her colleagues found that in addition to literacy materials,one of the major contributors to later reading was simply the amount of time for â€Å"talk around dinner† The 3 importance of simply being talked to, read to, and listened to is what much of early development is about†. In a low-income, busy and hard-working parents may not have time to have these simple talks, or even the financial resources to purchase books for there children. These are two important ingredients for a strong educational upbringing that many low-income family parents can not afford. Even though socioeconomic status and the access to technology are key a family’s behavioral and cultural backgrounds have an equal influence on a student. A child is instinctively drawn toward the background of their parents and social settings to learn what is deemed from right to wrong. According to David Brooks â€Å"Educated parents not only pass down resources to their children, they pass down expectations, habits, knowledge and cognitive abilities. Pretty soon you end up with a hereditary meritocratic class that reinforces itself generation after generation†. What David Brooks is saying is that even though the United States has universal access to higher education such as community college but some students may not be â€Å"physiologically prepared and culturally prepared for college†. Children are reaching their parents expectations and are just continuing a cycle. If parents arent showing their support in a educational and motivational sense, kids won’t feel the need to fulfill higher education. The time to instill values of education is not when a child becomes a senior in high school; rather the time to start discussing educational values to a child, is the onset of school, preschool. Education provides an individual their path to a successful future, but only through hard work, dedication and determination is this achievable. Education requires a parent to mold a child into an individual that is capable of contributing effectively to society. The drive to learn must be aroused in children and started at an early age.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Expressionism in Art | Analysis

Expressionism in Art | Analysis How is expressionism defined? By the concept behind the paintings of this movement or can you really define a movement that was based on freedom and self expression. Expressionism was a cultural movement grown within a number of different art forms including poetry, literature and painting. The word expressionism is the main piece of information best describing the theme of the movement, the word expression been used to describe a facial movement to portray a mood or feeling. An artist of the expressionist movement is just recreating the expressions we paint on our faces into a emotional painting that evokes their inner most feelings, enforcing there own visualisation through an emotional response to the worlds representation. An artist of the expressionist movement aims to paint not the reality of something but instead its interior perception. Expressionism originated in Germany at the start of the 20th century with many artists breaking away from realism and developing their work t o create this new movement. Artists including Edvard Munch, Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel, Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Emil Nolde, Max Pechstein and Otto Mueller where the artists who founded and stared within the expressionist movement. Expressionism was a deliberate manifestation of post-impressionism (Zigrosser, C. 1957 p.5) using the same degree of representation of painting in that they where not concerned with the form and shape of what they where painting. Many expressionist painters looked upon the work of Vincent Van Gogh, influencing there work with many expressionist painters gaining inspiration from Starry Night which represents many of the fluid movements within expressionist paintings. Influences from starry night can be found in that of Edvard Munchs work as the paint flows across the painting in the same manner. The difference was that impressionism was a recreation of what the artist saw, creating a suggested impression of the object or figure not an emotional response. The movement of expressionism was instigated mainly by the paintings of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch who was the forerunner of expressionist artwork and helped to develop and influence expressionism in Germany and parts of central Eu rope. Highly influencing many expressionist painters and leading the development of the two major expressionist groups De Brà ¼cke (The Bridge) and Der Blaue (The Blue Rider) Reiter. Munches work was mainly based on his life experiences with his work sometimes quite disturbing and violent. Munch most famously known for his series of paintings titled The Frieze of life. Many of his paintings been fuelled by his troubles in life through the death of his family in particular the painting The Scream ( 1893). In which it depicts his social anxieties within life and nature. The original title given been The Scream of Nature .The fluid movements of paint within the painting and the vivid deep colours are used to express the feelings of despair and terror. The true nature of the painting is described within the short story written by Munch that is referred to as a description of his inspiration. I was walking along a path with two friends   the sun was setting   suddenly the sky turned blood red   I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence   there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city   my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety   and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature Although as do many other expressionist painters this is not a literal meaning instead describing his personal experiences within life. Expressionism is the emotional experience in its most intense and concentrated formulation. Their key note was the exploration- of mans inner life (Zigrosser, C, 1957, p.5). Munch and Van Gogh inspired many artists and lead four German artists to create an expressionist group called The Brà ¼cke. This group, located in Berlin included Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel and Karl Schmidt Rottluff. The intention being to revolutionise the course of German art and profoundly to influence the nature of German Society (Whitford, F, 1970. P34). The Brà ¼cke were the first to be wholly expressionist painters, revolutionising art and breaking away from the atheistic criteria that had been set by there predecessors. In the development of the modern world and increasing industrialisation and urbanisation; originated a revolt in favour of the new expressionist movement and intense inner vision. Expressionism sought to separate man from society and break away from status and creat e a new group who where Avant- Garde. The group started out in mainly woodcuts and prints developing there work into paintings and rejecting the conventional traditional artwork of the classical and impressionist movements. The artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was said to be the founder of the group within the group it is clear that each artist has influenced each other with many of the artists paintings involving sweeping slashes in a jarring movement across the painting. Many of Kirchners paintings where of the night life and consisted of nudes and figure compositions. My goal was always to express emotion and experience with large forms and simple colours and it is my goal today (Zigrosser, C. 1957.p15).One famously known painting by Kirchner is Bathers at Moritzburg (1909) shows the spontaneity of the brush strokes used and the loosely drawn figures seen in many of this groups art works. It is also visible that there is an influence in many expressionist paintings from Gauguin as h e uses bold colours to express a certain situation and the mood and atmosphere of the place, this can be seen especially in his painting- eve -Dont Listen To The Liar (1889). This Painting could be considered to be an early expressionist painter as the atmosphere of the painting shows a certain level of anguish and despair that the viewer portrays and picks up the underlying emotions of the painting. Expressionism started to develop and a new group of expressionist painters where formed, they labelled themselves Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) as did Die Brà ¼cke they rejected their classical legacy and turned to nature and the primitive (little, s.2004.p104) . Der Blaue Reiter group consisted of Alexei Von Jawlensky, Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc and many more, the group came together years after Die Brucke when a painting of Kandinskys was rejected from an exhibition. This group focused on the spirituality of art and expressing there work in a imaginative way that would sometimes in the work of Kandinsky would represent childhood memories of fairy tales. After moving to Germany there work developed further and some would later describe the work of Kandinsky as abstract expressionism and was the front runner and inspiration of many abstract painters. The work of Jawlensky is mainly figurative and shows signs of cubism, in many of his paintings and other of the group links to other art movements such as cubism and fauvism can be seen. Kandinsky developed his work further and created a more modern take on the more traditional expressionist paintings. One early piece by Kandinsky is The Blaue Reiter (1903) which was Created to form colour harmonies that which would purify the soul and would be a connection between music and painting, this theme is in many of Kandinskys paintings. Kandinsky was known for having synaesthesia where he would see music as colours. Music is the ultimate teacher (Kandinsky). Kandinskys work became more abstract with him becoming interested in colour analysis and geometrical elements became an important component of his paintings. This can be seen in one of his most famous paintings Transverse line (1923) in which he used shapes and loose aggressive lines across the painting to express his feelings at the time but without using any direct connection between his personal life and the painting. Kandinsky was an important turning point in the revolution of art as many abstract painters still take inspiration and admiring his work. Expressionism was a movement defined by freedom and self expression, a way for artists to express their feelings- not directly, but through art. Expressionism was an important movement in the arts as it created and developed into many different art movements and has and still inspires many artists.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Characters of the Crucible in Relation to Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Re

Lawrence Kohlberg, a developmental psychologist, identified six developmental stages of human moral reasoning. The first stage that he recognized was the Punishment-Obedience Orientation, where the person’s concern is for avoiding punishment through obedience. The second stage was the Instrumental Relativist Orientation, where the person’s concern is to work in their self interest, and better their position. The third stage of moral development was the Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation, where the person’s concern lies with their reputation. Next was the Law And Order Orientation, where the person was less concerned with their own immediate well being to the maintenance of a larger society. The fifth stage was the Social Contract Orientation, where the person’s concern was for social unity, and the last stage was the Universal Ethical Principle Orientation, where the person’s concern is only for moral principals. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller p ortrays all six stages through his characters. In the first stage rests Mary Warren. She is not a character with strong conviction, and in the course of the play, she changes sides to whichever will keep her safe from harm at the time. During the first act of the play, we come to understand that she had been one of the girls dancing in the forest with Abigail and Tituba. She saw that the girls were being cornered, and felt that they should confess before it got out of hand, but was silenced after being threatened by Mercy Lewis and Abigail Williams. When Elizabeth Proctor was arrested, John Proctor employed his power as her boss and as a stronger human to coerce her to go with him to the court and expose the girls as frauds. Because he’s stronger than she, she agrees. When they g... ...uld not alter his ways to please the public. By the end, however, not only did he not care about his reputation, but so intensely focused on higher ethics was he that he gave his life to maintain his sense of â€Å"goodness†. Elizabeth also starts out less moral than she ends, she is cold and unforgiving towards Proctor and though her circumstance may be deserving of pity, she does not elicit much sympathy from the audience because of her frost. However, by the end of the play, she sees her faults and repents, and also forgives Proctor, and she understands what others in the final act cannot, she understands why Proctor’s name means more to him than his life. All of the stages of moral development are presented in The Crucible, related to a character by their actions and motives. This is a way to categorize the characters without there being any overlap or gray areas.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Early American Literature Essay examples -- essays papers

Early American Literature (1620-1820) In the first half of the 17th century the New World found two groups of people colonizing. The first group, the Puritans, had left England after years of exile due to their lack of faith in the Church of England. With the reading and understanding of the Bible almost completely laid in the hands of the preacher, the congregation was forced to believe all the words that the preacher said. This all came to an end with John Calvin. His ideas were that God likes certain people better than others and those "chosen" ones would get more land and more money. This idea took off with the Puritans as they seeked religious freedom, a chance to start new churches and purification of the Church of England. As life moved on in the New World for the Puritans they seemed overwhelmed with the fact that they were the chosen ones and proceeded to act out life and every aspect of it for God and God only. The other group was far more open minded. The Enlightenment that swept the world impacted these people greatly and caused them to question the acts of the Puritans. Puritan life in the New World seemed only to consist of Church and all daily life outside the Church was to be done in the name of the Lord. There are countless quotes throughout the text of "God's will" in reaction to everything from the death of a child to the lack of food or water. "If excellence abide below, How excellent is He that dwells on high,". With this quote one can see the presence that God has in the life of a Puritan. They believed that everything that we on the Earth was God's will. If a tree fell on their house killing all insid... ...and through eduction answered those questions forming a foundation for their beliefs. Upon that we see many different branches of the many different religions that make up the country today. With this reasoning present people seemed to build off the Puritan ideas and make these churches. In the event that the Puritans were the only religious colony to settle in America then what happened in England would most definitly happen here. The Puritan Church would be roughly the same as the Church of England and those that didn't believe in it would have to move elsewhere seeking religious freedom, the cycle would repeat itself. Thus, both groups of settlers complimented each other and made the foundation of modern American religion. Although those that did this may not be able to see it today, they found their religious freedom.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Functions of Management

Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management Vicky L. Minik MGT/330 January 13, 2013 Dr. Kathleen Dominick Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management The four functions of management planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will impact greatly organizational success because no matter what type of organization it is for instance it can be retail, food, labor, construction, military, or service industries like hospitals, police, or even nonprofit organizations they all follow the four functions of management to get the job done effectively and efficiently.Without one of the four functions correctly carried out management will have failed and production or service will experience negative outcomes significantly. Management’s functions are to achieve goals through working with and through people (Management Innovations, 2008). Each of the four management functions are valuable, and one cannot function without the other. Managers must create a detailed action pl an toward a specific goal. Determining what the organization goals are and how to achieve them, management can begin planning towards the intended objective.Setting aims and following up on the execution of the plan is a critical step in the planning process. Ensuring that the plan is both effective and efficient must be included in the initial plan. In some situations involving the employees in the planning process will empower them to get the task completed. Organizing is usually the second step in a manager’s responsibilities of his or her functions. Knowing how many people and what resources are needed for the completion of the organizations target goal is critical to the success of the company.A manager will determine how to delegate or distribute task and position employees according to the plan. Possessing all the necessary resources so that the employees can accomplish their jobs is a process in organizing for the success of the company. Without an organized workplace a manager will face negative outcomes in reaching the planned task and will reflect in job performance. The next step is leading and is accomplished by communicating, motivating, and encouraging employees toward productivity.Leading and managing is not the same thing contrary to popular belief. Leading is the influencing of people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals; it has to do predominantly with the interpersonal aspect of managing (Olum, July). A manager manages employees making sure that tasks are completed on time and policies are followed and adhered to. Employees see managers as one that will motivate and guide them to assist them to reach the firm’s goals. In an ideal situation a manager is also a leader.Managers who want to lead effectively need to discover what motivates their employees and what inspires them to reach the organization objectives. Controlling is the fourth and final step in the process in which the manager evaluates and mon itors the results of the accomplished goal and its effectiveness and efficiency. Managers need to pay close attention to cost incurred while fulfilling the plan. If resources are not available because of lacking funds, the organization goal cannot be accomplished.Paying attention to the performance as well as the cost, making adjustment accordingly will assist in the company in making a profit that in turn aids the employees with job satisfaction and security. An effective manager will share this information with their employees to enhance and build trust through involvement. Being a manager involves different tasks that vary. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are four of the main functions that must be performed in any management position.Management is a balancing act of many diverse workings and a good manager will maintain the balance and keep employees motivated to reach the organizations goals. A manager who administers the four functions properly will be the reaso n why the organization will have success. References Management Innovations. (December 03, 2008). Define Management & Its Functions. Retrieved from http://managementinnovations. wordpress. com/2008/12/03/define-management-its-functions Olum, Y. (July 12, 2004). Modern Management Theories and Practices. Retrieved from http://upan1. un. org/intradoc/groups/public/document/AAPAM/UNPAN025765pdf. Functions of Management Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management Vicky L. Minik MGT/330 January 13, 2013 Dr. Kathleen Dominick Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management The four functions of management planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will impact greatly organizational success because no matter what type of organization it is for instance it can be retail, food, labor, construction, military, or service industries like hospitals, police, or even nonprofit organizations they all follow the four functions of management to get the job done effectively and efficiently.Without one of the four functions correctly carried out management will have failed and production or service will experience negative outcomes significantly. Management’s functions are to achieve goals through working with and through people (Management Innovations, 2008). Each of the four management functions are valuable, and one cannot function without the other. Managers must create a detailed action pl an toward a specific goal. Determining what the organization goals are and how to achieve them, management can begin planning towards the intended objective.Setting aims and following up on the execution of the plan is a critical step in the planning process. Ensuring that the plan is both effective and efficient must be included in the initial plan. In some situations involving the employees in the planning process will empower them to get the task completed. Organizing is usually the second step in a manager’s responsibilities of his or her functions. Knowing how many people and what resources are needed for the completion of the organizations target goal is critical to the success of the company.A manager will determine how to delegate or distribute task and position employees according to the plan. Possessing all the necessary resources so that the employees can accomplish their jobs is a process in organizing for the success of the company. Without an organized workplace a manager will face negative outcomes in reaching the planned task and will reflect in job performance. The next step is leading and is accomplished by communicating, motivating, and encouraging employees toward productivity.Leading and managing is not the same thing contrary to popular belief. Leading is the influencing of people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals; it has to do predominantly with the interpersonal aspect of managing (Olum, July). A manager manages employees making sure that tasks are completed on time and policies are followed and adhered to. Employees see managers as one that will motivate and guide them to assist them to reach the firm’s goals. In an ideal situation a manager is also a leader.Managers who want to lead effectively need to discover what motivates their employees and what inspires them to reach the organization objectives. Controlling is the fourth and final step in the process in which the manager evaluates and mon itors the results of the accomplished goal and its effectiveness and efficiency. Managers need to pay close attention to cost incurred while fulfilling the plan. If resources are not available because of lacking funds, the organization goal cannot be accomplished.Paying attention to the performance as well as the cost, making adjustment accordingly will assist in the company in making a profit that in turn aids the employees with job satisfaction and security. An effective manager will share this information with their employees to enhance and build trust through involvement. Being a manager involves different tasks that vary. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are four of the main functions that must be performed in any management position.Management is a balancing act of many diverse workings and a good manager will maintain the balance and keep employees motivated to reach the organizations goals. A manager who administers the four functions properly will be the reaso n why the organization will have success. References Management Innovations. (December 03, 2008). Define Management & Its Functions. Retrieved from http://managementinnovations. wordpress. com/2008/12/03/define-management-its-functions Olum, Y. (July 12, 2004). Modern Management Theories and Practices. Retrieved from http://upan1. un. org/intradoc/groups/public/document/AAPAM/UNPAN025765pdf. Functions of Management Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management Vicky L. Minik MGT/330 January 13, 2013 Dr. Kathleen Dominick Week One Individual Paper: Functions of Management The four functions of management planning, organizing, leading, and controlling will impact greatly organizational success because no matter what type of organization it is for instance it can be retail, food, labor, construction, military, or service industries like hospitals, police, or even nonprofit organizations they all follow the four functions of management to get the job done effectively and efficiently.Without one of the four functions correctly carried out management will have failed and production or service will experience negative outcomes significantly. Management’s functions are to achieve goals through working with and through people (Management Innovations, 2008). Each of the four management functions are valuable, and one cannot function without the other. Managers must create a detailed action pl an toward a specific goal. Determining what the organization goals are and how to achieve them, management can begin planning towards the intended objective.Setting aims and following up on the execution of the plan is a critical step in the planning process. Ensuring that the plan is both effective and efficient must be included in the initial plan. In some situations involving the employees in the planning process will empower them to get the task completed. Organizing is usually the second step in a manager’s responsibilities of his or her functions. Knowing how many people and what resources are needed for the completion of the organizations target goal is critical to the success of the company.A manager will determine how to delegate or distribute task and position employees according to the plan. Possessing all the necessary resources so that the employees can accomplish their jobs is a process in organizing for the success of the company. Without an organized workplace a manager will face negative outcomes in reaching the planned task and will reflect in job performance. The next step is leading and is accomplished by communicating, motivating, and encouraging employees toward productivity.Leading and managing is not the same thing contrary to popular belief. Leading is the influencing of people so that they will contribute to organization and group goals; it has to do predominantly with the interpersonal aspect of managing (Olum, July). A manager manages employees making sure that tasks are completed on time and policies are followed and adhered to. Employees see managers as one that will motivate and guide them to assist them to reach the firm’s goals. In an ideal situation a manager is also a leader.Managers who want to lead effectively need to discover what motivates their employees and what inspires them to reach the organization objectives. Controlling is the fourth and final step in the process in which the manager evaluates and mon itors the results of the accomplished goal and its effectiveness and efficiency. Managers need to pay close attention to cost incurred while fulfilling the plan. If resources are not available because of lacking funds, the organization goal cannot be accomplished.Paying attention to the performance as well as the cost, making adjustment accordingly will assist in the company in making a profit that in turn aids the employees with job satisfaction and security. An effective manager will share this information with their employees to enhance and build trust through involvement. Being a manager involves different tasks that vary. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are four of the main functions that must be performed in any management position.Management is a balancing act of many diverse workings and a good manager will maintain the balance and keep employees motivated to reach the organizations goals. A manager who administers the four functions properly will be the reaso n why the organization will have success. References Management Innovations. (December 03, 2008). Define Management & Its Functions. Retrieved from http://managementinnovations. wordpress. com/2008/12/03/define-management-its-functions Olum, Y. (July 12, 2004). Modern Management Theories and Practices. Retrieved from http://upan1. un. org/intradoc/groups/public/document/AAPAM/UNPAN025765pdf.